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Associate Professor of Finance


2007 PhD in Economics. University of Toulouse.
2001 M. Phil. in Finance. University of Toulouse.
2000 B.A. in Economics. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.

Research interests

Corporate Finance (theory and empirical), Venture Capital and Private Equity, Corporate Governance, Industrial Organization, Behavioral Economics, Experimental Economics

Selected publications

Toldrá, A., Guo, B. & Pérez-Castrillo, D.: "Firms' innovation strategy under the shadow of analyst coverage", Journal of Financial Economics vol. 131 (2), February 2019, 456-483.

Toldrá, A. & Reboul, J.: “The strategic behaviour of firms with debt”, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis vol. 51 (5), October 2016, 1611-1636. 

Toldrá, A., Sapienza, P. & Zingales, L.: “Understanding trust”, The Economic Journal vol. 123 (573), December 2013, 1313-1332.

Anna Toldrà is an Assistant Professor of Finance in the Department of Business Administration at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

Her research interests lie in the areas of corporate finance, industrial organization, and behavioral finance. In particular she is interested in venture capital, private equity, entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility, corporate governance, social capital, and trust.

Prior to joining Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Anna was a research scholar and lecturer of finance at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. She received a bachelor’s degree from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and an MA and a PhD in Economics from the Toulouse School of Economics.

Toldrá, A., Guo, B. & Pérez-Castrillo, D.: "Firms' innovation strategy under the shadow of analyst coverage", Journal of Financial Economics vol. 131 (2), February 2019, 456-483.

Toldrá, A. & Reboul, J.: “The strategic behaviour of firms with debt”, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis vol. 51 (5), October 2016, 1611-1636. 

Toldrá, A., Sapienza, P. & Zingales, L.: “Understanding trust”, The Economic Journal vol. 123 (573), December 2013, 1313-1332.