Chondrakis, G., Melero, E. & Sako, M.: "The Effect of Coordination Requirements on Sourcing Decisions: Evidence from Patent Prosecution Services", Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 36 (6) June 2022. (short video abstract:
Melero, E., Palomeras, N. & Wehrheim, D.: "The Effect of Patent Protection on Inventor Mobility", Management Science. Vol. 66 (12), December 2020.
Bognanno, M & E. Melero.: "Promotion Signals, Experience and Education", Journal of Economics and Management Strategy. Vol. 25 (1), Spring 2016.
Melero, E. & N. Palomeras.: "The Renaissance Man Is not Dead! The Role of Generalists in Teams of Inventors", Research Policy. Vol. 44 (1), February 2015.
Palomeras, N & E.Melero.: "Markets for Inventors: Learning by Hiring as a Driver of Mobility", Management Science vol. 56 (5), May 2010.
Chondrakis, G., Melero, E. & Sako, M.: "The Effect of Coordination Requirements on Sourcing Decisions: Evidence from Patent Prosecution Services", Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 36 (6) June 2022.
Melero, E., Palomeras, N. & Wehrheim, D.: "The Effect of Patent Protection on Inventor Mobility", Management Science. Vol. 66 (12), December 2020.
Bognanno, M. & Melero, E.: "Promotion Signals, Experience and Education", Journal of Economics and Management Strategy vol. 25 (1), Spring 2016, 111-132.
Melero, E. & Palomeras, N.: "The Renaissance Man Is not Dead! The Role of Generalists in Teams of Inventors", Research Policy vol. 44 (1), February 2015, 154-167.
Melero, E.: “Job-related training and education sponsorship: An analysis based on market concentration”, Advances in the Economics Analysis of Participatory and Labor-Managed Firms vol. 15, 2014, 185-223
Melero, E.: "Are Workplaces with Many Women in Management Run Differently?", Journal of Business Research vol. 64 (4), April 2011, 385- 393.
Melero, E.: "Training and Promotion: Allocation of Skills or Incentives?", Industrial Relations vol. 49 (4), October 2010, 640-667.
Palomeras, N. & Melero, E.: "Markets for Inventors: Learning by Hiring as a Driver of Mobility", Management Science vol. 56 (5), May 2010, 881- 865.