Bachelor in Theoretical Physics (Universidad de Barcelona, 1991)
PhD in Business Economics (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 1997)
Corporate Social Responsibility, Innovation, Corporate Governance.
Tribó, J.A., Aguilera. R., Desender, K. & Surroca, J.: "Is managerial entrenchment always bad and corporate social responsibility always good? A cross‐national examination of their combined influence on shareholder value”, Strategic Management Journal, 41(5), 2020, 891-920
Tribó, J.A., García Romero, A. & Escribano, A.: "The Impact of Health Research on Length of Stay in Spanish Public Hospitals”, Research Policy vol. 46 (3), 2017, 591–604.
Tribó, J.A., Surroca, J. & Prior, D.: “Using Panel Data DEA to measure CEOs’ Focus of Attention”, Strategic Management Journal vol. 37 (2), 2016, 370–388.
Tribó, J.A., Moshe, K. & Surroca, J.: "Impact of Ethical Behavior on Syndicated Loan Rates", Journal of Banking and Finance vol. 38, 2014, 122-144.
Tribó, J.A., Surroca, J. & Zahra, S.: "Stakeholder Pressure on MNEs and the Transfer of Socially Irresponsible Practices", Academy of Management Journal vol. 56, 2013, 549-572.
Tribó, J.A., Torres, A., Bijmolt, T.H., Verhoef, P.: “Generating Global Brand Equity through Corporate Social Responsibility to Key Stakeholders”, International Journal of Research in Marketing vol. 29 (1), 2012, 13-24.
Tribó, J.A., Surroca, J. & Waddock, S.: “Corporate Responsibility and Financial Performance: The Role of Intangible Resources”, Strategic Management Journal vol. 31 (5), 2010, 463-490.
Tribó, J.A., Fosfuri, A. & Gelabert, L.: “Does the effect of public support for R&D depend on the degree of appropriability?", Journal of Industrial Economics vol. 27 (4), 2009. 736-767.
Tribó, J.A., Zhang, Y, & García-Lara, J.M.: “Unpacking the black box of Trade Credit to Socially Responsible Customers”, Journal of Banking and Finance (forthcoming)
Tribó, J.A., Aguilera. R., Desender, K. & Surroca, J.: "Is
managerial entrenchment always bad and corporate social responsibility
always good? A cross‐national examination of their combined influence on
shareholder value”, Strategic Management Journal, 41(5), 2020, 891-920
Tribó, J.A., Papiashvili, N., Gutiérrez, M. & Vázquez, A.: "Managerial incentives for attracting attention", European Financial Management (2019)
Tribó, J.A.: “Banks’ Equity Holdings and their Impact on Securities Issues,” Corporate Governance: An International Review vol. 27 (1), 2019, 45-60.
Tribó, J.A., García Romero, A. & Escribano, A.: "The Impact of Health Research on Length of Stay in Spanish Public Hospitals”, Research Policy vol. 46 (3), 2017, 591–604.
Tribó, J.A., Surroca, J. & Prior, D.: “Using Panel Data DEA to measure CEOs’ Focus of Attention”, Strategic Management Journal vol. 37 (2), 2016, 370–388.
Tribó, J.A., Blanco, B. & García-Lara, J.M.: “Segment Disclosure and Cost of Capital”, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting vol. 42 (3-4), 2015, 367-411.
Tribó, J.A. & Mariano, B.: "Creditor Intervention, Investment, and Growth Opportunities", Journal of Financial Services Research vol. 47 (2), 2015, 203-228.
Tribó, J.A., Moshe, K. & Surroca, J.: "Impact of Ethical Behavior on Syndicated Loan Rates", Journal of Banking and Finance vol. 38, 2014, 122-144.
Tribó, J.A., Blanco, B. & García-Lara, J.M.: "The relation between segment disclosure and earnings quality", Journal of Accounting and Public Policy vol. 33 (5), 2014, 449-469.
Tribó, J.A., Surroca, J. & Zahra, S.: "Stakeholder Pressure on MNEs and the Transfer of Socially Irresponsible Practices", Academy of Management Journal vol. 56, 2013, 549-572.
Tribó, J.A., Barcos, L., Barroso, A & Surroca, J.: “Corporate social responsibility and inventory policy”, International Journal of Production Economics vol. 143 (2), 2013, 580-588.
Tribó, J.A., Torres, A., Bijmolt, T.H., Verhoef, P.: “Generating Global Brand Equity through Corporate Social Responsibility to Key Stakeholders”, International Journal of Research in Marketing vol. 29 (1), 2012, 13-24.
Tribó, J.A., Gutiérrez, M. & Mariano, B.: “Ownership structure and minority expropriation: the case for multiple blockholders” , Applied Financial Economics vol. 22 (24), 2012, 2075-2083.
Tribó, J.A. & Torres, A.: “Do satisfied customers lead to greater brand equity?”, Journal of Business Research vol. 64, 2011, 1089-1096.
Tribó, J.A., Surroca, J. & Waddock, S.: “Corporate Responsibility and Financial Performance: The Role of Intangible Resources”, Strategic Management Journal vol. 31 (5), 2010, 463-490.
Tribó, J.A., Fosfuri, A. & Gelabert, L.: “Does the effect of public support for R&D depend on the degree of appropriability?", Journal of Industrial Economics vol. 27 (4), 2009. 736-767.
Tribó, J.A. & Casasola, M.J.: “Banks as firms' blockholders: A study for Spain”, Applied Financial Economics vol. 20 (5), 2010, 425-438.
Tribó, J.A. & Surroca, J.: “Managing External Knowledge Flows: The Moderating Role of Absorptive Capacity”, Research Policy vol. 38, 3009, 96-105.
Tribó, J.A. & Surroca, J.: “Managerial Entrenchment and Corporate Social Performance”, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting vol. 35 (5), 2008, 748-760.
Tribó, J.A., Prior, D. & Surroca, J.: “Are socially responsible managers really ethical? Exploring the relationship between earnings management and corporate social responsibility”, Corporate Governance: An international Review vol. 16 (3), 2008, 160-177. (Runner-up to best paper of 2008).
Tribó, J.A.: “Firms’ stock market flotation: Effects on inventory policy”, International Journal of Production Economics vol. 118, 2009,10-18.
Tribó, J.A. & Fosfuri, A.: “Exploring the Antecedents of Potential Absorptive Capacity and its Impact on Innovation Performance”, Omega vol. 36, 2008,173-87.
Tribó, J.A., Berrone, P. & Surroca, J.: “Do the Type and Number of Blockholders Influence R&D Investments? New evidence from Spain”, Corporate Governance: An international Review vol. 15 (5), 2007, 828-842.
Tribó, J.A., Berrone, P. & Surroca, J.: “Corporate ethical identity as a determinant of firm performance: a test of the mediating role of stakeholder satisfaction”, Journal of Business Ethics vol. 76 (1), 2007, 35-53.