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Associate Professor of Management


PhD in Business Management, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain.

Master in Human Resource Management, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain. 

Bachelor's Degree in Sociology with Organizational Studies, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Sociology with Social Policy, University of Hertfordshire, United Kingdom.

Research interests

HRM-performance relationship, HR implementation

Selected publications

Stirpe, L., & Revilla, A.J.: "Elucidating the relationship between high-investment HR systems and workforce engagement: The role of employee education", Economic and Industrial Democracy, 2024, DOI 10.1177/0143831X241268292

Stirpe, L., & Revilla, A.J.: "Engaging long-tenured employees via high-performance work systems: a matter of dosages", Evidence-based HRM, 2024, DOI 10.1108/EBHRM-03-2024-0063.

Stirpe, L.: "Flexible work arrangements in familfy firms: A socioemotional wealth perspective", German Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 37 (4), 2023, 300-322. 

Luigi's research focuses on Strategic Human Resource Management with an emphasis on the HRM-performance relationship and HR implementation. He has published articles on these topics in both national and international outlets. He often participates in international conferences on HRM, where he has also received awards for his contributions. He serves as a reviewer for several academic journals, including Human Relations, Human Resource Management Journal, and The International Journal of Human Resource Management. Currently, he serves as the Head of Studies for the Master’s program in Human Resources Management at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Luigi regularly teaches on courses on HR Strategy as well as on Performance Management in postgraduate programmes in Europe and Latin America. He is consistently ranked among the department's top permanent faculty members due to student satisfaction with his teaching.


Stirpe, L., & Revilla, A.J.: "Elucidating the relationship between high-investment HR systems and workforce engagement: The role of employee education", Economic and Industrial Democracy, 2024, DOI 10.1177/0143831X241268292

Stirpe, L., & Revilla, A.J.: "Engaging long-tenured employees via high-performance work systems: a matter of dosages", Evidence-based HRM, 2024, DOI 10.1108/EBHRM-03-2024-0063.

Stirpe, L.: "Flexible work arrangements in familfy firms: A socioemotional wealth perspective", German Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 37 (4), 2023, 300-322. 

Stirpe, L., Profili, S. & Sammarra, A.: "Satisfaction with HR practices and employee performance: A moderated mediation model of engagement and health", European Management Journal, vol. 40 (2), April 2022, 295-305.

Stirpe, L., Trullén, J., & Bonache, J.: "Retaining an ageing workforce: The effects of high-performance work systems and flexible work programmes", Human Resource Management Journal, vol. 28 (4), 2018, 585-604.

Stirpe, L. & Zárraga-Oberty, C.: "Are High-Performance Work Systems always a valuable retention tool? The roles of workforce feminization and flexible work arrangements", European Management Journal, vol. 35 (1), 2017, 128-136.

Carozzo-Todaro, M. & Stirpe, L.: "Teams in small technology-based firms: The roles of diversity and conflict management", Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, vol. 12 (2), 2017, 11-17.

Trullen, J., Stirpe, L., Bonache, J., & Valverde, M.: "The HR department’s contribution to line managers’ effective implementation of HR practices", Human Resource Management Journal, vol. 26 (4), 2016, 449-470.

Stirpe, L., Bonache, J., & Trullén, J.: "The acceptance of newly introduced HR practices: Some evidence from Spain on the roles of management behavior and organizational climate", International Journal of Manpower, vol. 36 (3), 2015, 334-353.

Stirpe, L., Bonache, J., & Revilla, A.: "Differentiating the workforce: The performance effects of using contingent labor in a context of High-Performance Work Systems", Journal of Business Research, vol. 67 (7), 2014, 1334-1341.

Stirpe, L., Trullén, J., & Bonache, J.: "Factors helping the HR function gain greater acceptance for its proposals and innovations: Evidence from Spain", The International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 24 (20), 2013, 3794-3811.

Stirpe, L. & Revilla, A.: "The effects of contingent employment on the outcomes of High-Performance Work Systems", Universia Business Review, vol. 39 (3), 2013, 14-31.

Bonache, J. & Stirpe, L.: "La planificación de los recursos humanos en las multinacionales (Tr.: Human Resource planning in multinational companies)", Revista de Economía de ICE, vol. 859, 2011, 73-82.

García, O. & Stirpe, L.: "El atractivo de España para la inversión extranjera directa según el Análisis Comparativo 2010 de ESADE (Tr.: The attractiveness of Spain for direct foreign investment according to the 2010 Comparative Analysis of ESADE)", Boletín Económico de ICE, vol. 3009, 2011. 11-21.

Stirpe, L. & Zárraga, C.: "Are HR practices converging globally?", Universia Business Review, vol. 27 (3), 2010, 88-103.


Bonache, J., Zárraga-Oberty, C. & Stirpe, L. (2023). “The compensation of corporate expatriates”. In B.S. Reiche, G.K. Stahl, M.I. Mendenhall, G.R. Oddou (Eds.), Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management (7th Edition) (pp. 243-264). Routledge: New York.

Trullen, J., Bonache, J., Stirpe, L. & Valverde, M. (2015). “Implementing HR practices effectively: Exploring the role of the HR department”. In R. Valle-Cabrera & Á. López-Cabrales (Eds), New Clues for Analysing the HRM Black Box (pp. 37-64). Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle, UK.

Stirpe, L. (2014). “Plan de Organización y Recursos Humanos” (Tr.: Organization Plan and Human Resources”). In A. Rodríguez-Márquez, M.J. Nieto, Z. Fernández, & A. Revilla-Torrejón (Eds.), Manual de Creación de Empresas. De la Oportunidad a la Puesta en Marcha (Tr.: Handbook of Business Ventures. From opportunity to set-up) (pp. 319-354). Civitas  Thomson Reuters Aranzadi): Madrid.

Bonache, J. & Stirpe, L. (2012). “Compensating global employees.” In G.K. Stahl, I. Björkman, & S. Morris (Eds.), Handbook of Research in International Human Resource Management (2nd Edition) (pp. 162-182). Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, UK.

• Reprinted in B.S. Reiche, G.K. Stahl, M.I. Mendenhall, & G.R. Oddou (Eds.) (2017), Readings and Cases in International Human Resource Management (6th Edition). Routledge: New York (pp. 218-235).

Bonache, J. & Stirpe, L. (2012). “Hacia una visión estratégica de las asignaciones internacionales: Una revisión de la literatura y una propuesta de investigación” (Tr.: Towards a strategic view of international assignments: A review of the literature and a research proposal). In M. Muñiz-Ferrer, J. Labrador-Fernández, & A. Arizkuren-Eleta (Eds.), Internacionalización y capital humano (Tr.: Internationalization and human capital) (pp. 71-93). Reflexiones Comillas, Ciencias Sociales: Madrid.


Best Paper Award of the Organizational Behaviour Strategic Interest GroupEuropean Academy of Management Annual Conference, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, June 21st-24th, 2017 (Stirpe, L., Trullen, J., & Bonache, J., “Retaining Older Employees: Do High-Performance Work Systems and Flexible Work Arrangements Pay Off?”).

Best Paper Award at the VIII International Workshop on Human Resource Management, Universidad Pablo de Olavide of Seville, Spain, May 12th-13th, 2011 (Stirpe, L. “High-Performance Work Systems, contingent labour and firm outcomes: Evidence from the United Kingdom”).