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(34) 91 624 96 27 / (34) 91 624 96 07



Professor of Management


Ph.D. in Business Administration - University of Seville

Licentiate Degree in Economics and Business - University of Seville

Selected publications

Gutiérrez, I., Zahra, S., Ireland, D. & Hitt, M.: "Privatization and Entrepreneurial Transformation", Academy of Management Review vol. 25 (3), 2000, 509-524.

Gutiérrez, I., Gómez-Mejía, L. & Núñez-Nickel, M.: “The Role of Family Ties in Agency Contracts", Academy of Management Journal vol. 44 (1), 2001, 81-95.

Gutiérrez, I., Carmona, S. & Núñez-Nickel, M.: Governmental Context Determines Institutional Value: Independently Certified Performance and Failure in the Spanish Newspaper Industry”, Organization Studies vol. 27 (10), 2006, 1513-1531.

Gutiérrez, I. & Urtasun, A.: “Hotel Location in Tourism Cities: Madrid 1936-1998", Annals of Tourism Research vol. 33 (2), 2006, 382-402.

Isabel Gutiérrez is a Professor of Management at the Department of Business Administration at Carlos III University. She holds a Ph. D. in Business Administration and a Licentiate degree in business and economics from University of Seville (Spain). She worked as both assistant and associate professor for University of Seville. She has been visiting professor at Arizona State University.

She teaches management, organization theory and organizational design to undergrads and doctoral students. Isabel's research interests focus on organization theory and competitive strategy. Her research examines the competitive and spatial dynamics affecting the outcomes and survival of firms that face radical innovation and environmental discontinuities. She has published in leading journals, such as the Academy of Management Journal, Organization Studies and the Academy of Management Review.

In addition to her teaching and research, Isabel provides service and leadership to several academic journals and professional associations. She served as editor in-chief for Management Research until January 2007, and sits on the editorial boards of some journals in management, including the Journal of Management, European Management Review, Journal of Management and Governance, the Journal of High Technology Management Research, M@n@gement, Revista de Empresa and Revista Europea de Economía y Dirección de Empresas. She has served as ad hoc reviewer of some leading management journals as Strategic Management Journal, the Academy of Management Review, Journal of Management Studies, and Scandinavian Journal of Management, among others. She  served in the European Academy of Management (EURAM) as Vice-President of Publications (2000-2007) and in the Iberoamerican Academy of Management as Vice-president and Program Chair for the 1999 annual conference. Isabel is a former Director of the Department of Business Administration at Carlos III University (1996-2001). Isabel is currently the Vice-President for Studies at Carlos III University of Madrid.

Gutiérrez, I., Zahra, S., Ireland, D. & Hitt, M.: "Privatization and Entrepreneurial Transformation", Academy of Management Review vol. 25 (3), 2000, 509-524.

Gutiérrez, I., Gómez-Mejía, L. & Núñez-Nickel, M.: “The Role of Family Ties in Agency Contracts", Academy of Management Journal vol. 44 (1), 2001, 81-95.

Gutiérrez, I., Carmona, S. & Núñez-Nickel, M.: “Governmental Context Determines Institutional Value: Independently Certified Performance and Failure in the Spanish Newspaper Industry”, Organization Studies vol. 27 (10), 2006, 1513-1531.

Gutiérrez, I. & Urtasun, A.: “Hotel Location in Tourism Cities: Madrid 1936-1998", Annals of Tourism Research vol. 33 (2), 2006, 382-402.

Gutiérrez, I. & Urtasun, A.: "Clustering benefits for upscale urban hotels", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management vol. 29 (5), 2017, 1426-1446.

Gutiérrez, I., Carreras, N. & Carmona, S.: "Gender, the State and the Audit Profession: Evidence from Spain (1942-88)", European Accounting Review vol. 10 (4), 2001, 803-815.

Gutiérrez, I. & Surroca, I.: "Revisiting corporate governance through the lens of the Spanishevidence", Journal of Management & Governance vol. 18 (4), 2014, 989-1014.

Gutiérrez, I., Martínez-Ros, E., De Castro, J.O.: "Performance and entrepreneurial orientation in small firms: The moderating effects of strategy, structure, human resource policies and information systems", Energizing Management Through Innovation and Entrepreneurship: European Research and Practice, 2008, 128-145.

Carrera, N., Carmona, S., Gutiérrez, I.: "Human capital, age and job stability: Evidence from Spanish certified auditors (1976-1988)", Accounting and Business Research vol. 38 (4), 2008, 295-312.

Sánchez, A.G., Gutiérrez, I.G., Juan, L.P.: "Capacity assessment via simulation for a spanish dry port", International Mediterranean Modelling Multiconference, I3M, 2006, 689-695

Urtasun, A., Gutiérrez, I.: "Tourism agglomeration and its impact on social welfare: An empirical approach to the Spanish case", Tourism Management vol. 27 (5), 2006, 901-912.

Carrera, M.N., Gutiérrez, I., Carmona, S.: "Concentration in the Spanish audit market: An empirical analysis (1990-2000) [Article@Concentración en el mercado de auditoría en España: Análisis empírico del período 1990-2000]", Revista Española de Financiacion y Contabilidad vol. 34 (125), 2005, 423-457

Martínez, F.M., Gutiérrez, I.G., Oliveira, A.O., Bedia, M.A.: "Gantry crane operations to transfer containers between trains: A simulation study of a Spanish terminal", Transportation Planning and Technology vol. 27 (4), 2004, 261-284.

Carmona, S., Deyá, B., Gutiérrez, I.: "EVA as a management fashion [Article@El EVA como moda en control de gestión]", Revista Espanola de Financiacion y Contabilidad vol. 32 (118), 2003, 725-753.

Carmona, S., Gutiérrez, I.:  "Vogues in management accounting research", Scandinavian Journal of Management vol. 19 (2), 1999, 213-231

Carmona, S., Gutierrez, I., Camara, M.: "A profile of European accounting research: evidence from leading research journals", European Accounting Review vol. 8 (3), 2003, 463-480

Gutiérrez, I., Carmona, S.: "Ambiguity in multicriteria quality decisions", International Journal of Production Economics vol. 38 (2-3), 1995, pp. 215-224

Gutiérrez, I.: "Fuzzy numbers and net present value", Scandinavian Journal of Management vol. 5 (2), 1989, 149-159

Gutierrez, I., Carmona, S.: "A fuzzy set approach to financial ratio analysis", European Journal of Operational Research vol. 36 (1), 1988, 78-84