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C/ Madrid, 126 - 28903 Getafe (Madrid) Spain / 7.0.54
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(34) 91 624 86 39 /



Associate Professor of Management

Selected publications

Montes-Sancho, M.J. & Delmas, M.: Voluntary Agreements to Improve Environmental Quality: Symbolic and Substantive Cooperation”, Strategic Management Journal, vol. 31 (6), 2010, 576-601.

Montes-Sancho, M.J., Russo, M.V. & Delmas, M.: Deregulation and Environmental Differentiation in the Electric Utility Industry”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 28 (2), 2007, 189-209.

Montes-Sancho, M.J., Corbett, C. & Kirsch, D.: The financial impact of ISO 9000 Certification in the US: An Empirical Analysis”, Management Science, vol. 51, 2005, 1046-1059.

María Montes is an Associate Professor at the Department of Business Administration of Universidad Carlos III. She worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Donald Bren School of Environmental Science and Management at University of California at Santa Barbara and at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. Before joining the Carlos III, she worked as a visiting professor at the Department of Economics and Business of Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

Her research interests cover Supply Chain Management and Environmental Management. She has published in prestigious Operations and Management journals, such as the Management Science and the Strategic Management Journal, Amon other journals such as Business Ethics Quarterly, Energy Policy Journal, Journal of Clean Product, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. 

María teaches Operations Management and Logistics to undergraduate students in Business Administration and Dual degree of Law and Business Administration. She also participates in different Academic and Professional Masters. At firm level, she collaborates actively with Centro Español de Logística (CEL), a non-profit organization, in the development of different projects on supply chain. 

Recently, her paper with Diego-Castillo y Wu was nominated as a finalist of the "ISM Best Paper in Supply Chain Management" at Academy of Management Conference 2022 and her paper C. De Stefano as Runner UP at EurOMA 2022 "Chris Voss Best Paper Award" in 2022. Previously, her paper with Tachizawa and Alvarez-Gil was selected by the journal's editorial team as the Outstanding Paper in 2016 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence and her paper with C. De Stefano was nominated as finalist of the "ISM Best Paper in Supply Chain Management" at the Academy of Management Conference in 2016. 

Montes-Sancho, M.J., Tachizawa, M. & Alvarez-Gil. : "How smart cities will change the supply chain", Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, vol. 20 (3), 2015, 237-248.

Montes-Sancho, M.J. & Delmas, M.: “Voluntary Agreements to Improve Environmental Quality: Symbolic and Substantive Cooperation”, Strategic Management Journal, vol. 31 (6), 2010, 576-601.

Montes-Sancho, M.J., Russo, M.V. & Delmas, M.: “Deregulation and Environmental Differentiation in the Electric Utility Industry”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 28 (2), 2007, 189-209.

Montes-Sancho, M.J., Corbett, C. & Kirsch, D.: “The financial impact of ISO 9000 Certification in the US: An Empirical Analysis”, Management Science, vol. 51, 2005, 1046-1059.