address / office:
C/ Madrid, 126 - 28903 Getafe (Madrid) Spain / 7.0.28
phone / fax:
(34) 91 624 93 70 /



Associate Professor of Accounting

Selected publications

Gago, S. & Macías-Dorissa, M.: "A possible explanation of the gender gap among accounting academics: evidence from the choice of research field", Accounting and Finance vol. 54 (4), 1183-1206, 2014.

Macías-Dorissa, M. & Annisette, M.: "The Bank of the State and the State of the Bank: Annual Accounts of the Banco de España, 1872-94", European Accounting Review vol.11(2), 357-376, 2002.

Macías-Dorissa, M. & Carmona, S.. "Institutional Pressures, Monopolistic Conditions and the Implementation of Early Cost Management Practices: The Case of the Royal Tobacco Factory of Seville (1820-1887)Abacus vol.37 (2), 139-165, 2001.

Marta Macías is an Associate Professor of Accounting at the Department of Business Administration at CarlosIIIUniversity. She holds a Ph. D. in Economics and Business Administration from University of Jaén and a Licentiate degree in business and economics from University of Seville (Spain). She teaches accounting to undergrads and doctoral students.

Marta's research interests center on accounting change and accounting history. Her research examines the factors shaping changes in accounting information systems in historical perspective. She has published in journals, such as Abacus, European Accounting Review, Accounting Historians Journal and Accounting Business and Financial History.

Sánchez-Matamoros, J.B., Gutiérrez-Hidalgo, F. & Macías-Dorissa, M.: "Innovation in accounting thought and practice - an introduction", Accounting History vol. 20 (3), 247-9, 2015.

Gago, S. & Macías-Dorissa, M.: "A possible explanation of the gender gap among accounting academics: evidence from the choice of research field", Accounting and Finance vol. 54 (4), 1183-1206, 2014.

Macías-Dorissa, M. & Muiño, F.: "Examining Dual Accounting Systems in Europe", International Journal of Accounting vol. 46 (1), 51-78, 2011.

Macías-Dorissa, M.: "Privatization and Management Accounting Systems Change: The Case of the 19th Century Spanish Tobacco Monopoly", Accounting Historians Journal vol. 29 (2), 31-57, 2002. Winner of the 2001 Vangermeersch Manuscript Award, awarded by the Academy of Accounting Historians.

Macías-Dorissa, M.: "Ownership Structure and Accountability: the Case of the Privatisation of the Spanish Tobacco Monopoly, 1887-96" Accounting, Business and Financial History vol.12 (2), 317-345, 2002.

Macías-Dorissa, M. & Annisette, M.: "The Bank of the State and the State of the Bank: Annual Accounts of the Banco de España, 1872-94", European Accounting Review vol.11(2), 357-376, 2002.

Macías-Dorissa, M. & Carmona, S.. "Institutional Pressures, Monopolistic Conditions and the Implementation of Early Cost Management Practices: The Case of the Royal Tobacco Factory of Seville (1820-1887)" Abacus vol.37 (2), 139-165, 2001.