B.S. Psychology, Autonoma University of Madrid
M.A. HR Management, Autonoma University of Madrid-Chamber of Commerce and Industry
PhD. Organizational Behavior, Complutense University of Madrid
Team cognition, Team diversity & faultlines, Adaptation dynamics, Virtual teams, Leadership, Work team effectiveness
Rico, R., Sánchez-Manzanares, M., Antino, M. & Lau, D.: "Bridging team faultlines by combining task role assignment and goal structure strategies", Journal of Applied Psychology vol. 97 (2), 2012, 407-420.
Rico, R., Sánchez-Manzanares, M., Gil, F. & Gibson, C.: "Team implicit coordination processes: A team knowledge-based approach", Academy of Management Review vol. 33 (1), January 2008, 163-184.
Rico, R., Molleman, E., Sánchez-Manzanares, M., & van der Vegt, G.: "The effects of diversity faultlines and team task autonomy on decision quality and social integration", Journal of Management vol. 33 (1), 2007, 111-132.
Rico, R., Gibson, C.B., Sánchez-Manzanares, M. & Clark, M.A.: "Building team effectiveness through adaptation: Team knowledge and implicit and explicit coordination" Organizational Psychology Review vol. 9 (2-3), 2019, 71-98.
Ortega, A., Van den Bossche, P., Sánchez-Manzanares, M., Rico, R. & Gil, F.: "The influence of change-oriented leadership and psychological safety on team learning in healthcare teams", Journal of Business and Psychology vol. 29 (2), Junio 2014, 311-321.
Aguado, D., Rico, R., Sánchez-Manzanares, M. & Salas, E.: "Teamwork Competency Test (TWCT): A Step Forward on Measuring Teamwork Competencies", Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice vol. 18 (2), 2014, 101-121.
Ortega, A., Sánchez-Manzanares, M., Gil, F. & Rico, R. "Enhancing team learning in nursing teams through beliefs about interpersonal context", Journal of Advanced Nursing vol. 69 (1), 2013, 102-111.
Rico, R., Sánchez-Manzanares, M., Antino, M. & Lau, D.: "Bridging team faultlines by combining task role assignment and goal structure strategies", Journal of Applied Psychology vol. 97 (2), 2012, 407-420.
Rico, R., Bachrach, D.G., Sánchez-Manzanares, M. & Collins, B.J.: "The interactive effects of person-focused citizenship behaviour, task interdependence, and virtuality on team performance", European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology vol. 20 (5), 2011, 700-726.
Rico, R., Sánchez-Manzanares, M., Gil, F., Alcover, C. & Tabernero, C.: "Procesos de coordinación en equipos de trabajo", Papeles del Psicólogo vol. 32 (1), 2011, 59-68.
Gil, F., Alcover, C., Rico, R. & Sánchez-Manzanares, M.: "New ways of leadership in work teams", Papeles del Psicólogo vol. 32 (1), 2011, 38-47.
Ortega, A., Sánchez-Manzanares, M., Gil, F. & Rico, R.: "Team learning and effectivenes in virtual teams: The role of beliefs about the interpersonal context", The Spanish Journal of Psychology vol. 13 (1), 2010, 266-275.
Rico, R., Alcover, C.M., Sánchez-Manzanares, M. & Gil, F.: "The joint relationships of communication behaviors and task interdependence on trust building and change in virtual project teams", Social Science Information Sur Les Sciences Sociales vol. 48 (2), 2009, 229-255.
Sánchez-Manzanares, M., Rico, R. & Gil, F. "Designing organizations: Does expertise matter?", Journal of Business and Psychology vol. 23 (4), 2008, 87-101.
Gil, F., Rico, R. & Sánchez-Manzanares, M.: "Eficacia de equipos de trabajo", Papeles del Psicólogo vol. 29 (1), 2008, 25-31.
Rico, R., Sánchez-Manzanares, M., Gil, F. & Gibson, C.: "Team implicit coordination processes: A team knowledge-based approach", Academy of Management Review vol. 33 (1), Enero 2008, 163-184.
Rico, R., Molleman, E., Sánchez-Manzanares, M., & van der Vegt, G.: "The effects of diversity faultlines and team task autonomy on decision quality and social integration", Journal of Management vol. 33 (1), 2007, 111-132.
Sánchez-Manzanares, M., Rico, R., Gil, F. & San Martín, R: "Memoria transactiva en equipos de toma de decisiones: implicaciones para la efectividad de equipo", Psicothema vol. 18 (4), 2006, 750-56.
Rico, R., Fernández-Ríos, M., Rascado, P. & Sánchez-Manzanares, M.: "Teorías implícitas, diseño organizacional y eficacia". Interamerican Journal of Psychology vol. 38 (1), 2004, 119-28.
Rico, R., Sánchez-Manzanares, M., Gibson, C., & Clark, M. (in preparation). Team knowledge and the cycles of implicit and explicit coordination: Building team effectiveness through team adaptation.
Sánchez-Manzanares, M., Rico, R., & Gibson, C.B. (second round of revision). Shared mental models and performance in project teams: Assessing the role of implicit coordination and task interdependence. Organization Science.