address / office:
C/ Madrid, 126 - 28903 Getafe (Madrid) Spain / 6.0.42
phone / fax:
(34) 91 624 9351 /



Associate Professor of Management

Selected publications

Khessina, O., Reis, S., and Verhaal, J,.C (2021)." Stepping out of the Shadows: Identity Exposure as a Remedy for Stigma Transfer Concerns in the Medical Marijuana Market". Administrative Science Quarterly , 66(3), 569-611. 

Khessina, O.& Reis, S.(2016): " The Limits of Reflected Glory: The Beneficial and Harmful Effects of Product Name Similarity in the U.S. Network TV Program Industry, 1944-2003", Organization Science vol. 27 (2), 411–427.

Barroso, A., Giarratana, M., Reis, S., & Sorenson, O. (2016): "Crowding, Satiation and Saturation: The Days of Television Series' Lives" , Strategic Management Journal vol. 37 (3). 565–585.

Samira Reis is Associate Professor at the Department of Business Administration at Carlos III University and deputy director at the MBA program. She holds a PhD in Management from Bocconi University in Italy, a MSc and a BSc in Industrial Engineering from UFRJ. During her PhD she was a visiting scholar at UCLA. She has also visited the London Business School and the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management. Her research interests include organization theory, organizational ecology, identity, status and stigma. Professor Reis typically uses large-scale, “big data” approaches and text analysis to study these topics. Although she is interested in several settings, she has most extensively studied television and film industries in U.S., Italy and Brazil. Her research appears in journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science and Strategic Management Journal.

At Carlos III, she teaches Strategy to undergraduates, Research in Strategy, Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the PhD program, and International Management to Master in Management and MBA students. At Bocconi, she taught “Business Planning and Entrepreneurship” to Master of Science students.

Khessina, O., Reis, S. (2024). The Role of Informative Names in Niche Dynamics and Product Survival in a High-velocity Industry. Journal of Management Studies (Forthcoming)

Khessina, O., Reis, S., and Verhaal, J,.C (2021)." Stepping out of the Shadows: Identity Exposure as a Remedy for Stigma Transfer Concerns in the Medical Marijuana Market". Administrative Science Quarterly , 66(3), 569-611. 

Khessina, O.& Reis, S.(2016): " The Limits of Reflected Glory: The Beneficial and Harmful Effects of Product Name Similarity in the U.S. Network TV Program Industry, 1944-2003", Organization Science vol. 27 (2), 411–427.

Barroso, A., Giarratana, M., Reis, S., & Sorenson, O. (2016): "Crowding, Satiation and Saturation: The Days of Television Series' Lives" , Strategic Management Journal vol. 37 (3). 565–585.

Reis, S., Negro, G., Sorenson, O., Perretti, F. & Lomi, A.(2013): "Resource partitioning revisited: evidence from Italian television broadcasting", Industrial and Corporate Change vol. 22 (2), 2013, 459-487.

Reis, S.: “TV Digital”  in R. Cameira (Ed), A Industria de Telecomunicacoes e o Setor Informacional Multimidia Emergente, Brasil: Quartet Press, 2009, 183-246.

Reis, S.: “Digital Television and Breakthrough Innovation” in M. Pagani (2nd Ed) Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking, USA: Information Science Reference, 2008, 373–379.

Reis, S.: Book Review of "Multimedia and Interactive Digital TV: Managing the Opportunities Created by Digital Convergence", by Margherita Pagani, Information Resources Management Journal vol. 17 (2), 2004, 65-67.