RepRisk systematically flags and monitors material ESG risks and violations of international standards that can have reputational, compliance, and financial impacts on a company.
The premium dataset includes RepRisk’s data for all companies –both listed and non- listed –in the RepRisk ESG Risk Platform that have been exposed to ESG risks and business conduct–i.e. approx. 155,000 companies from all sectors and geographies, including frontier and emerging markets. The dataset includes the full data history available (unbroken time series from January 2007).
As of June 2021, the RepRisk Platform includes more than 175,000 companies that are associated with risk incidents. Of these 175,000 companies, approx. 15% are listed companies, and approx. 85% are non-listed companies.
The companies in the RepRisk Platform stem from all sectors and countries. The geographical distribution is as follows: approx. 30% of the companies are headquartered in North America, 30% in Asia, 25% in Europe, 7% in Latin America and the Caribbean, 4% in Africa, and 4% in Oceania. The RepRisk Platform also includes risk profiles on more than 45,000 projects (e.g. mines, pipelines, chemical plants, ports, factories, pulp mills, plantations, etc.), as well as for all sectors and countries in the world. In addition, the RepRisk Platform provides information on other entities such as NGOs (more than 20,000) and governmental bodies (more than 15,000).
RepRisk’s methodology is issues- and event-driven, rather than company-driven. The RepRisk Platform grows daily as new relevant information is captured and analyzed. 30- 50 new companies are added each day. RepRisk’s core research scope is comprised of 28 ESG Issues that are broad, comprehensive, and mutually-exclusive. Furthermore, RepRisk covers 73 Topic Tags, ESG “hot topics” and themes that are an extension of RepRisk’s core research scope of 28 ESG Issues.
How to access this database
Integrated in WRDS. See WRDS (link) for more information.
How to use this database
See Dataset Overview, Methodology, Data definitions on WRDS (link). Additional information on the RepRisk website (link)