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The Role of Cultural Embeddedness in the Co-evolution of the American Movie Theater Industry and the
Time : 17:00h.
Ramón Rico (University of Western Australia)
Unpacking Adaptation Processes: The Role of Team Knowledge, Coordination Processes and Procedural Ri
Time : 16:00h.
Flexible Boundaries: Plural Sourcing as a Response to Changing Coordination Requirements
Time : 17:00h.
Student Employment and Entrepreneurship
Aula 10.0.27
Time : 13:00h.
Rodrigo Zeidan (NYU-Shanghai)
Toward a General Theory of Working Capital Management
Aula 10.0.27
Time : 13:00h.
Luciana Orozco (Business UC3M)
Regulatory capital management to exceed thresholds.
Aula 10.0.27
Time : 15:00h.
Akram Khalilov (Business UC3M)
The Benefits Of Balance Sheet Conservatism: Evidence From The Financial Crisis*.
Aula 10.0.27
Time : 15:30h.
Irina Gazizova (Business UC3M)
Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Reporting Quality: Evidence from CSR-Disasters.
Aula 10.0.27
Time : 15:00h.
Alexandra Polyakova (University of Sussex)
Aula 10.0.27
Time : 11:00h.
Ramón Rico (The University of Western)
I should have treated you better: LMX effects on Intrateam incivility and collective turnover in fau
AULA 10.0.27
Time : 13:00h.
While much of the team diversity faultlines literature has focused on conflict as a direct consequence of intergroup bias caused by faultlines (Thatcher & Patel, 2012), in this work we extend team faultlines literature by exploring how faultlines lead to intrateam incivility, which subsequently increases team turnover. In addition, we study how the quality of the relationship between the leader and team members (Leader Member Exchange, LMX) ameliorates the former causal chain. To do so, we used a multi-wave, multi-source design over four time periods. Our results show a positive relationship between faultlines and intrateam incivility, and a positive relationship between faultlines and objective team turnover. Furthermore, we found support for the moderating relationship of LMX over the mediating relationship of intrateam incivility on the faultlines­–team turnover link.
Theoretically, our results contribute to the faultlines literature by showing the extent of the effects of faultlines on team outcomes, and reveal alternative explanatory mechanisms of such effects. Additionally, we add to the stream of literature investigating how leaders should manage team faultlines, by studying the moderating role of LMX. From a practical view, we discuss the implications of using LMX to help managers prevent collective turnover within faultline-based teams.
Roadblock on the Highway to Heaven: The Suppressive Effect of Religion on Cluster Development in a S
AULA 10.0.27
Time : 14:30h.
AbstractWe develop a theory predicting a damaging effect of religion on the development of science-based industrial clusters that rely on technologies controversial from a religious standpoint.  We argue that in such industries, highly religious regions are less likely to attract new organizational entrants than less religious regions.  We theorized about three processes that might be at play.  First, in regions with a high proportion of religious adherents, negative attitudes of religious individuals toward controversial science create cultural and institutional environments unfavorable to science-based businesses.  Such regions are so unattractive to potential entrants, that they may ignore the regional abundance of relevant resources when making their entry decisions.  Second, highly religious regions are likely to become a target for religion-related social movements, which should also repel potential entrants.  Finally, there could be an ecological effect of religion, wherein the damaging impact of religiosity of a focal region may be somewhat mitigated, if neighboring regions are more religious than the focal one.  The event-count analyses of entry rates of biotherapeutics firms in Metropolitan statistical areas in the United States from the beginning of the industry in 1976 through 2004 support our predictions, and, thus, reveal that religion can be a roadblock to the development of science-based clusters based on novel technologies that are considered controversial.
"Environmental Challenges to Organizational Ambidexterity: The Effect of International Competition"
AULA 10.0.27
Time : 14:00h.