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Barroso, A., Giarratana, M., Reis, S., & Sorenson, O. (2016): "Crowding, Satiation and Saturation: The Days of Television Series' Lives" , Strategic Management Journal vol. 37 (3). 565–585.
Khessina, O., Reis, S. (2024). The Role of Informative Names in Niche Dynamics and Product Survival in a High-velocity Industry. Journal of Management Studies (Forthcoming)
Khessina, O., Reis, S., and Verhaal, J,.C (2021)." Stepping out of the Shadows: Identity Exposure as a Remedy for Stigma Transfer Concerns in the Medical Marijuana Market". Administrative Science Quarterly , 66(3), 569-611.
Khessina, O.& Reis, S.(2016): " The Limits of Reflected Glory: The Beneficial and Harmful Effects of Product Name Similarity in the U.S. Network TV Program Industry, 1944-2003", Organization Science vol. 27 (2), 411–427.
Barroso, A., Giarratana, M., Reis, S., & Sorenson, O. (2016): "Crowding, Satiation and Saturation: The Days of Television Series' Lives" , Strategic Management Journal vol. 37 (3). 565–585.
Reis, S., Negro, G., Sorenson, O., Perretti, F. & Lomi, A. (2013): "Resource partitioning revisited: evidence from Italian television broadcasting", Industrial and Corporate Change vol. 22 (2), 459-487.
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Reis, S.: Book Review of "Multimedia and Interactive Digital TV: Managing the Opportunities Created by Digital Convergence", by Margherita Pagani, Information Resources Management Journal vol. 17 (2), 2004, 65-67.