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Catedrático de Organización de Empresas

Intereses de investigación

Movilidad global y expatriación , Compensación internacional, Epistemologia aplicada al Management 

Publicaciones seleccionadas

Bonache, J., Brewster, C. & Froise, F.: The Cambridge companion to Global Mobility and the Management of ExpatriatesCambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021 

Bonache, J.:  "The challenge of using a "non-positivist" paradigm and getting through the peer-review process", Human Resource Management Journal, Vol 31 (1): 37-48, 2021

Bonache. J and Zarraga, C.: "Compensating Global Mobility in a Workers’ Cooperative: An interpretive study", Journal of World Business, Vol. 55 (5): 59-68, 2020

Bonache, J. and Festing, M.: "Research paradigms in international human resource management: An epistemological systematisation of the field", The German Journal of Human Resource Management,  Vol. 33 (3): 249-279, 2020 

Caligiuri, P. & Bonache, J.: “Evolving and enduring challenges of global mobility” Journal of World Business vol. 51 (1), 2016, 127-141. Special Issue 50 Aniversary

Caligiuri, P. & Bonache, J.: "The Nonlinear Relationships in Cross-cultural and Global Mobility", in The Sage Handbook of Contemporary Cross-Cultural Management, edited by Szkudlarek, L, D. Caprar & J. Osland, London: Sage Publications Ltd., 2020

Jaime Bonache es Catedrático de Organización de Empresas en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Es Doctor en Dirección de Empresas por la UAM (Madrid, España) y Master of Arts in Philosophy por Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada). También ha sido Catedrático de Recursos Humanos de Esade y la Cranfield School of Management (Reino Unido), y Catedrático Visitante de la Göttingen Universität (Alemania). El profesor Bonache ha impartido cursos y conferencias en numerosas Universidades de Europa, EEUU y Latino-América. 

Sus intereses de investigación se centran en la expatriación, la compensación internacional y la Epistemologia. Ha publicado mas de 30 artículos en revistas académicas, incluyendo Journal of World Business, Journal of Organizational Behavior, IJHRM, Organization Studies, Human Resource Management, Journal of Business Ethics, y HRM Review. Ha sido editor de diversos números especiales de revistas acaémicas internacional en torno a tendencias en expatriación, junto a los Profesores Chris Brewster (UK) y Vesa Suutari (Finlandia). Además de sus artículos, ha escrito y editado cuatro libros, uno de ellos (Dirección de Personas con Angel Cabrera) de alto impacto en países de habla hispana. Centrado en la dirección internacional de RRHH, ha escrito un libro con Paula Caligiuri y David Lepak titulado "Managing a Global Workforce" (Wiley Publishers, 2012) y otro con Chris Brewster y Fabian Froese titulado "Global Mobility and the management of Expatriates", que se publicará en 2020 por Cambridge University Press.

El Profesor Bonache ha participado en los comités científicos del Academy of Management y otras instituciones de investigación internacionales. 
Ha realizado trabajos de consultoría para distintas empresas españolas y multinacionales y ha sido asesor del Government Accountability Officer (GAO) de EEUU en materia de compensación de expatriados americanos.

Bonache, J: "The challenge of using a "non-positivist" paradigm and getting thorugh the peer-review process", Human Resource Management Journal, Vol. 31 (1): 37-48, 2021

Bonache. J and Zarraga, C.: "Compensating Global Mobility in a Workers’ Cooperative: An interpretive study", Journal of World Business, Vol. 55 (5): 59-68, 2020

Bonache, J. and Festing, M.: "Research paradigms in international human resource management: An epistemological systematisation of the field", The German Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 33 (3): 249-279, 2020. 

Bonache, J. & Zárraga-Oberty, C.: “The traditional approach to compensating global mobility: criticisms and alternatives”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management vol. 28 (1), 2017, 149-169.

Caligiuri, P. & Bonache, J.: “Evolving and enduring challenges of global mobility” Journal of World Business vol. 51 (1), 2016, 127-141. Special Issue 50 Aniversary

Bonache, J., Langinier, H. & Zárraga-Oberty, C.: Antecedents and Effects of HCNs Negative Stereotypes toward Corporate Expatriates. A social identity analysis”, Human Resource Management Review vol. 26 (1), 2016, 59-68.

Paz-Aparicio, C., Ricart, J.E. and Bonache, J.: "Understanding the decision to offshore human resource activities: A co-evolutionary perspective", International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, vol. 47 (2-3), 2017, 175-197.

Trullén Fernández, J., Stirpe, L., Bonache, J. A. & Valverde, M.: "The HR department's contribution to line managers' effective implementation of HR practices", Human Resource Management Journal vol. 26 (4), 2016, 449-470.

Stirpe, L., Bonache, J., & Trullén, J.: "The acceptance of newly introduced HR practices: Some evidence from Spain on the role of management behavior and organizational climate", International Journal of Manpower vol. 36 (3), 2015, 334 - 353.

Stirpe, L., Bonache, J., & Revilla, A.: "Differentiating the workforce: The performance effects of using contingent labor in a context of High-Performance Work Systems" Journal of Business Research vol. 67 (7), 2014, 1334–1341.

Brewster, C., Bonache, J., Cerdin, J.L., Suuitari, V.: "Exploring expatriate outcomes", The International Journal of Human Resource Management vol. 25 (14), 2014, 1921-1937.

Bonache, J., and Noethen, D.: "The impact of individual performance on organizational success and its implications for the management of expatriates", The International Journal of HRM vol 25(14), 2014, 1960-1077.

Oltra, V., Bonache, J., and Brewster, C.: “A New Framework for Understanding Inequalities Between Expatriates and Host Country Nationals”, Journal of Business Ethics vol. 115 (2), 2013, Page 291-310.

Stirpe, L., Trullén, J., Bonache, J.: "Factors helping the HR function gain greater acceptance for its proposals and innovations: Evidence from Spain", International Journal of Human Resource Management vol. 24 (20), 2013, 3794-3811.

Bonache, J., Sanchez, J., and Trullen, J.: “HR International Strategies in Latin America: En empirical examination”, Journal of Business Research vol. 65 (12), 2012, 1773-1781.

Zikic, J., Bonache, J., and Cerdin, J.L.: “Crossing national boundaries: A typology of qualified immigrants' career orientations”, Journal of Organizational Behaviour vol. 31 (5), 2012, 667-686.

Bonache, J.: “El valor estratégico de la movilidad global de puestos, personas y conocimientos en las multinacionales” Universia Business Review vol. 27, 2010, 14-29.

Bonache, J., Sanchez, J., and Zárraga-Oberty, C.: “The Interaction of Expatriate Pay Differential and Expatriate Inputs on Host Country Nationals’ Pay Unfairness”, International Journal of HRM vol.20 (10), 2009, 2135-2149.

Bonache, J., and Zárraga-Oberty, C.: “Determinants of the success of international assignees as knowledge transferors: A theoretical framework”, International Journal of HRM vol.19 (1), 2008, 1-18.

Bonache, J., and Martin, C.: “Human Resource Management in Europe, Asia and Latin-America”, Human Resource Management vol. 46 (4), 2007, 685-687.

Bonache, J., Brewster, C., and Suutari,V.: "Knowledge, International Mobility, and Careers”, International Studies of Management and Organization vol. 37, 2007, 3-15.

Bonache, J.: “Los recursos humanos en la internacionalización del Grupo Santander: objetivos, logros y retos”, Universia Business Review, Special Issue 150 Aniversary, 2007, 46-59.

Zárraga-Oberty, C., and Bonache, J.: "The impact of team atmosphere on knowledge outcomes in self-managed teams", Organization Studies vol. 26 (5), 2005, 661-681.

Bonache, J. and Pla-Barber, J.: "When are international managers a cost effective solution? The rationale of transaction costs economics applied to staffing decisions in MNCs", Journal of Business Research vol. 58 (10), 2005, 1320-1329.

Bonache, J.: "Job satisfaction among expatriates, repatriates and domestic employees: the perceived impact of international assignments on work-related variables", Personnel Review vol. 34 (1), 2005, 110-124.

Benito, G., Bonache, J., Toassen, S. and Plá-Barber, J.: "A transaction cost analysis of staffing decisions in international operations", Scandinavian Journal of Management vol. 21 (1), 2005, 101-126.

Bonache, J.: "Towards a re-examination of work arrangements: an analysis from Rawls’ Theory of Justice", Human Resource Management Review vol. 14 (4), 2004, 395-408.

Bonache, J. and Zárraga-Oberty, C.: "Assesing the team environment for knowledge sharing: an empirical analysis", The International Journal of HRM vol. 14 (7), 2003, 1227-1245.

Bonache, J., Brewster, C., and Suuitari, V.: "Expatriation: A developing research agenda", Thunderbird International Business Review vol. 43 (1), 2001, 3-20.

Bonache, J., and Brewster, J.: "Knowledge transfer and the management of expatriation", Thunderbird International Business Review vol. 43 (1), 2001, 145-168.

Bonache, J.: "The international transfer of an idea suggestion system: against radical relativism in international human resource management", International Studies of Management and Organization vol. 29 (4), 2001, 24-44.

Bonache, J.: "El estudio de casos como estrategia de construcción teórica: características, críticas y defensas", Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa vol. 3, 1999, 123-140.

Cabrera, E., and Bonache, J.: "An expert HR system for aligning organizational culture and strategy", Human Resource Planning vol. 22 (1), 1999, 51-60.

Bonache, J. and Cerviño, J.: "Global integration without expatriates", Human Resource Management Journal vol. 7 (3), 1997, 89-100.

Bonache, J. and Fernandez, Z.: "Expatriate compensation and its link to the subsidiary strategic role: a theoretical analysis", The International Journal of HRM vol. 8 (4), 1997, 457-475.

Bonache, J. & Cerviño, J.: "La adaptación cultural en la empresa multinacional: el conflicto entre la teoría y la práctica", Revista de Información Comercial Española vol. 761, 1997, 33-48


Bonache, J., Brewster, C. & Froise, F.: The Cambridge companion to Global Mobility and the Management of ExpatriatesCambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. 

Managing the Global Workforce (with Paula Caligiuri and David Lepak), 2010, John Wiley and Sons, New York (USA).

Dirección de Personas (“Managing Human Resources”) (with Angel Cabrera), 2006, Prentice Hall.

Dirección Estratégica de Personas (“Strategic Human Resource Management”) (with Angel Cabrera), 1st edition: 2002; 2nd edition: 2004, Prentice Hall.

Capítulos en libros

Bonache, J. & Stirpe, L.: "Compensating Global Employees", in M. Mendenhall, G. Oddou, G. Stah,S. Reiche and l, Readings and Cases in IHRM (6th Edition), published by Routledge (2016).

Trullen, J., Bonache, J., Stirpe, L. & Valverde, M.: “Implementing HR practices effectively: Exploring the role of the HR department”. In VV.AA., New Clues for Analysing HRM Black Box. Cambridge Scholars (forthcoming).

Bonache, J., & Paz, C.: "Compensation Strategies in Emerging Countries" in Frank Horwitz and Pawan Budhwar, Handbook of HRM in Emerging Countries, London: Edward Elgar (2014).

Bonache, J. & Stirpe, L.: “Compensating global employees” in Stahl, G.K., Björkman, I. & Morris, S. (Eds.), Handbook of Research in International Human Resource Management (2nd Edition). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (2012).

Bonache, J.: "Dirección de personas", in Gloria Batllori, El MBA de Esade, published by Editorial Planeta (2010).

Bonache, J.: "Global business strategy: The foundation for managing the global workforce" in P. Caligiuri, D. Lepak and J. Bonache, Managing the global workforce, published by Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons (2010).

Bonache, J.: "Managing attitudes and behavior: Motivating and rewarding the global workforce", in P. Caligiuri, D. Lepak and J. Bonache, Managing the global workforce, published by Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons (2010).

Bonache, J. & Dickmann, M.: "Transfer of strategic HR know-how in MNCs: mechanisms, barriers and initiatives", in M. Dickmann, C. Brewster and P. Sparrow, International HRM: A European Perspective, published by Routledge (2008).

Bonache, J. & Fernandez, Z.: "Strategic staffing in multinational companies: a resource based approach management", in M. Mendenhall, G. Oddou and G. Stahl, Readings and Cases in IHRM (4th Edition), published by Routledge (2006).

Bonache, J.: The compensation of expatriates: a review and a future research agenda, In G. Stahl and I. Bjorkman, Handbook of Research in International Human Resource Management, published by Edward Elgar (2006).

Bonache, J. & Cerviño, J.: “International Industrial Relations and the transfer of Best Practices”, en Monir Tayeb (ed), International Management: theories and practices, London: Pearson Education (2003).

Cabrera, A., Gomez-Mejia, L., & Bonache, J.: "Los pilares de la dirección de recursos humanos", in J. Bonache and A. Cabrera, Dirección de Personas, published by Prentice Hall (2006)

Bonache, J.: "Relaciones con sindicatos", in J. Bonache and A. Cabrera, Dirección de Personas, published by Prentice Hall (2006).

Bonache J. & Fernández, Z.: "International compensation: costs and benefits of international assignments" in H. Scullion and M. Linehan, International human resource management: A critical text, published by Palgrave Macmillan (2005).

Bonache, J. & Cabrera, A.: "Recursos humanos y ventaja competitiva", in J. Bonache and A. Cabrera, Dirección Estratégica de Personas, published by Prentice Hall (2002).

Bonache, J.: "La evaluación del rendimiento", in J. Bonache and A. Cabrera, Dirección Estratégica de Personas, published by Prentice Hall (2002).

Bonache, J.: "Retención y ruptura laboral", in J. Bonache and A. Cabrera, Dirección Estratégica de Personas, published by Prentice Hall (2002).

Bonache, J. & Quintanilla, J.: "El sistema de recursos humanos en las multinacionales", in J. Bonache and A. Cabrera, Dirección Estratégica de Personas, published by Prentice Hall (2002).

Bonache, J.: "La gestión de expatriados", in J. Bonache and A. Cabrera, Dirección Estratégica de Personas, published by Prentice Hall (2002).

Bonache, J. & Cerviño, J.: "International industrial relations and the transfer of best practices" in. M. Tayeb, International Management: A Cross-cultural Approach by Financial Times/ Prentice Hall (2001). 

Bonache, J. & Fernandez, Z.: "Strategic staffing in multinational companies: a resource based approach", in. C. Brewster. and H. Harris, International HRM. Contemporary issues in Europe,  published by Routledge (1999).