Licenciado en Física Teórica (Universidad de Barcelona, 1991)
PhD en Economía de la Empresa (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 1997)
Responsabilidad Social Corporativa, Inovacion, Finanzas Corporativas.
Tribó, J.A., Aguilera. R., Desender, K. & Surroca, J.: "Is
managerial entrenchment always bad and corporate social responsibility
always good? A cross‐national examination of their combined influence on
shareholder value”, Strategic Management Journal, 41(5), 2020, 891-920
Tribó, J.A., García Romero, A. & Escribano, A.: "The Impact of Health Research on Length of Stay in Spanish Public Hospitals”, Research Policy vol. 46 (3), 2017, 591–604.
Tribó, J.A., Surroca, J. & Prior, D.: “Using Panel Data DEA to measure CEOs’ Focus of Attention”, Strategic Management Journal vol. 37 (2), 2016, 370–388.
Tribó, J.A., Moshe, K. & Surroca, J.: "Impact of Ethical Behavior on Syndicated Loan Rates", Journal of Banking and Finance vol. 38, 2014, 122-144.
Tribó, J.A., Surroca, J. & Zahra, S.: "Stakeholder Pressure on MNEs and the Transfer of Socially Irresponsible Practices", Academy of Management Journal vol. 56, 2013, 549-572.
Tribó, J.A., Torres, A., Bijmolt, T.H., Verhoef, P.: “Generating Global Brand Equity through Corporate Social Responsibility to Key Stakeholders”, International Journal of Research in Marketing vol. 29 (1), 2012, 13-24.
Tribó, J.A., Surroca, J. & Waddock, S.: “Corporate Responsibility and Financial Performance: The Role of Intangible Resources”, Strategic Management Journal vol. 31 (5), 2010, 463-490.
Tribó, J.A., Fosfuri, A. & Gelabert, L.: “Does the effect of public support for R&D depend on the degree of appropriability?", Journal of Industrial Economics vol. 27 (4), 2009. 736-767.
Tribó, J.A., Zhang, Y, & García-Lara, J.M.: “Unpacking the black box of Trade Credit to Socially Responsible Customers”, Journal of Banking and Finance (en prensa)
Tribó, J.A., Aguilera. R., Desender, K. & Surroca, J.: "Is
managerial entrenchment always bad and corporate social responsibility
always good? A cross‐national examination of their combined influence on
shareholder value”, Strategic Management Journal, 41(5), 2020, 891-920
Tribó, J.A., Papiashvili, N., Gutiérrez, M. & Vázquez, A.: "Managerial incentives for attracting attention", European Financial Management (2019)
Tribó, J.A.: “Banks’ Equity Holdings and their Impact on Securities Issues,” Corporate Governance: An International Review vol. 27 (1), 2019, 45-60.
Tribó, J.A., García Romero, A. & Escribano, A.: "The Impact of Health Research on Length of Stay in Spanish Public Hospitals,”, Research Policy vol. 46 (3), 2017, 591–604.
Tribó, J.A., Surroca, J. & Prior, D.: “Using Panel Data DEA to measure CEOs’ Focus of Attention”, Strategic Management Journal vol. 37 (2), 2016, 370–388.
Tribó, J.A., Blanco, B. & García-Lara, J.M.: “Segment Disclosure and Cost of Capital”, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting vol. 42 (3-4), 2015, 367-411.
Tribó, J.A. & Mariano, B.: "Creditor Intervention, Investment, and Growth Opportunities", Journal of Financial Services Research vol. 47 (2), 2015, 203-228.
Tribó, J.A., Moshe, K. & Surroca, J.: "Impact of Ethical Behavior on Syndicated Loan Rates", Journal of Banking and Finance vol. 38, 2014, 122-144.
Tribó, J.A., Blanco, B. & García-Lara, J.M.: "The relation between segment disclosure and earnings quality", Journal of Accounting and Public Policy vol. 33 (5), 2014, 449-469.
Tribó, J.A., Surroca, J. & Zahra, S.: "Stakeholder Pressure on MNEs and the Transfer of Socially Irresponsible Practices", Academy of Management Journal vol. 56, 2013, 549-572.
Tribó, J.A., Barcos, L., Barroso, A & Surroca, J.: “Corporate social responsibility and inventory policy”, International Journal of Production Economics vol. 143 (2), 2013, 580-588.
Tribó, J.A., Torres, A., Bijmolt, T.H., Verhoef, P.: “Generating Global Brand Equity through Corporate Social Responsibility to Key Stakeholders”, International Journal of Research in Marketing vol. 29 (1), 2012, 13-24.
Tribó, J.A., Gutiérrez, M. & Mariano, B.: “Ownership structure and minority expropriation: the case for multiple blockholders” , Applied Financial Economics vol. 22 (24), 2012, 2075-2083.
Tribó, J.A. & Torres, A.: “Do satisfied customers lead to greater brand equity?”, Journal of Business Research vol. 64, 2011, 1089-1096.
Tribó, J.A., Surroca, J. & Waddock, S.: “Corporate Responsibility and Financial Performance: The Role of Intangible Resources”, Strategic Management Journal vol. 31 (5), 2010, 463-490.
Tribó, J.A., Fosfuri, A. & Gelabert, L.: “Does the effect of public support for R&D depend on the degree of appropriability?", Journal of Industrial Economics vol. 27 (4), 2009. 736-767.
Tribó, J.A. & Casasola, M.J.: “Banks as firms' blockholders: A study for Spain”, Applied Financial Economics vol. 20 (5), 2010, 425-438.
Tribó, J.A. & Surroca, J.: “Managing External Knowledge Flows: The Moderating Role of Absorptive Capacity”, Research Policy vol. 38, 3009, 96-105.
Tribó, J.A. & Surroca, J.: “Managerial Entrenchment and Corporate Social Performance”, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting vol. 35 (5), 2008, 748-760.
Tribó, J.A., Prior, D. & Surroca, J.: “Are socially responsible managers really ethical? Exploring the relationship between earnings management and corporate social responsibility”, Corporate Governance: An international Review vol. 16 (3), 2008, 160-177. (Runner-up to best paper of 2008).
Tribó, J.A.: “Firms’ stock market flotation: Effects on inventory policy”, International Journal of Production Economics vol. 118, 2009,10-18.
Tribó, J.A. & Fosfuri, A.: “Exploring the Antecedents of Potential Absorptive Capacity and its Impact on Innovation Performance”, Omega vol. 36, 2008,173-87.
Tribó, J.A., Berrone, P. & Surroca, J.: “Do the Type and Number of Blockholders Influence R&D Investments? New evidence from Spain”, Corporate Governance: An international Review vol. 15 (5), 2007, 828-842.
Tribó, J.A., Berrone, P. & Surroca, J.: “Corporate ethical identity as a determinant of firm performance: a test of the mediating role of stakeholder satisfaction”, Journal of Business Ethics vol. 76 (1), 2007, 35-53.