Sus intereses de investigación se centran en el ámbito del gobierno corporativo, la gestión de la empresa, RSC y la contabilidad financiera
Aguilera, R. V., Desender, K., LopezPuertas-Lamy, M. "From Universal Owners to Owners of the Universe? How the Big Three Are Reshaping Corporate Governance", Corporate Governance: An International Review (forthcoming)
Desender, K., López-Puertas-Lamy, M., Pattitoni, P., Petracci, B.: "Corporate Social Responsibility and Cost of Financing – the Importance of the International Corporate Governance System", Corporate Governance: An International Review 28, 207-234
Aguilera, R. V., Desender, K., LopezPuertas-Lamy, M., Lee, J.H.: "The governance impact of a changing investor landscape", Journal of International Business Studies vol. 48 (2), 2017, 195–221.
Desender, K., Aguilera, R. V., LopezPuertas-Lamy, M, Crespi-Cladera, R.: "A Clash of Governance Logics: Foreign Ownership and Board Monitoring", Strategic Management Journal vol. 37 (2), 2016, 349–369.
Desender, K., Aguilera, R. V., Crespi-Cladera, R., Garcia Cestona, M.A.: "When Does Ownership Matter? Board Characteristics and Behavior", Strategic Management Journal vol. 34 (7), 2013, 823–842.
Aguilera, R. V., Desender, K., LopezPuertas-Lamy, M. "From Universal Owners to Owners of the Universe? How the Big Three Are Reshaping Corporate Governance", Corporate Governance: An International Review (forthcoming)
Surroca, J., Aguilera. R., Desender, K. & Tribó, J.A.: "Is managerial entrenchment always bad and corporate social responsibility always good? A cross‐national examination of their combined influence on shareholder value”, Strategic Management Journal 41, 891-920
Desender, K., López-Puertas-Lamy, M., Pattitoni, P., Petracci, B.: "Corporate Social Responsibility and Cost of Financing – the Importance of the International Corporate Governance System", Corporate Governance: An International Review 28, 207-234
López-Puertas-Lamy, M., Desender, K., Epure, M.: "Corporate Social Responsibility and the Assessment by Auditors of the Risk of Material Misstatement", Journal of Business Finance & Accounting vol. 44 (9-10), 2017, 1276–1314.
Aguilera, R. V., Desender, K., LopezPuertas-Lamy, M., Lee, J.H.: "The governance impact of a changing investor landscape", Journal of International Business Studies vol. 48 (2), 2017, 195–221.
Desender, K., Aguilera, R. V., LopezPuertas-Lamy, M, Crespi-Cladera, R.: "A Clash of Governance Logics: Foreign Ownership and Board Monitoring", Strategic Management Journal vol. 37 (2), 2016, 349–369.
Aguilera, R., Desender, K., Bednar, M., Lee, J.: " Connecting the Dots: Bringing External Corporate Governance into the Corporate Governance Puzzle", Academy of Management Annals vol. 9 (1), 2015, 483-573.
Aguilera R. V, Desender, K.: "Gobierno Corporativo: Mapa Actual y Nuevas Tendencias", Informe Situación Social de España 2015, Capítulo 8 (2015).
Desender, K., Aguilera, R. V., Crespi-Cladera, R., Garcia Cestona, M.A.: "When Does Ownership Matter? Board Characteristics and Behavior", Strategic Management Journal vol. 34 (7), 2013, 823–842.
Aguilera R. V, Desender, K.: "Methodological challenges in comparative corporate governance and strategic issues" in Wang CL, Ketchen D, Bergh D. (ed.) Research Methodology in Strategy and
Management, Emerald Group Publishing Limited (2012).
Desender, K., Castro, E., Escamilla de León, S.: "Earnings Management and Culture", The American Journal of Economics and Sociology vol. 70 (3), 2011, 639-670.
Aguilera R. V, Desender K, Kabbach de Castro L.: "A Configurational Perspective on Comparative Corporate Governanc" in SAGE Handbook of Corporate Governance, Sage Publications (2011).
Desender K.: "The influence of the board composition on enterprise risk management" in Handbook of Research on Enterprise IT Governance, Business Value and Performance Measurement, IGI Global (2010).