Doctorado en Administración de Empresas - Universidad de Sevilla
Licenciatura en Económicas y Empresariales - Universidad de Sevilla
Gutiérrez, I., Zahra, S., Ireland, D. & Hitt, M.: "Privatization and Entrepreneurial Transformation", Academy of Management Review vol. 25 (3), 2000, 509-524.
Gutiérrez, I., Gómez-Mejía, L. & Núñez-Nickel, M.: “The Role of Family Ties in Agency Contracts", Academy of Management Journal vol. 44 (1), 2001, 81-95.
Gutiérrez, I., Carmona, S. & Núñez-Nickel, M.: “Governmental Context Determines Institutional Value: Independently Certified Performance and Failure in the Spanish Newspaper Industry”, Organization Studies vol. 27 (10), 2006, 1513-1531.
Gutiérrez, I. & Urtasun, A.: “Hotel Location in Tourism Cities: Madrid 1936-1998", Annals of Tourism Research vol. 33 (2), 2006, 382-402.
Gutiérrez, I., Zahra, S., Ireland, D. & Hitt, M.: "Privatization and Entrepreneurial Transformation", Academy of Management Review vol. 25 (3), 2000, 509-524.
Gutiérrez, I., Gómez-Mejía, L. & Núñez-Nickel, M.: “The Role of Family Ties in Agency Contracts", Academy of Management Journal vol. 44 (1), 2001, 81-95.
Gutiérrez, I., Carmona, S. & Núñez-Nickel, M.: “Governmental Context Determines Institutional Value: Independently Certified Performance and Failure in the Spanish Newspaper Industry”, Organization Studies vol. 27 (10), 2006, 1513-1531.
Gutiérrez, I. & Urtasun, A.: “Hotel Location in Tourism Cities: Madrid 1936-1998", Annals of Tourism Research vol. 33 (2), 2006, 382-402.
Gutiérrez, I. & Urtasun, A.: "Clustering benefits for upscale urban hotels", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management vol. 29 (5), 2017, 1426-1446.
Gutiérrez, I., Carreras, N. & Carmona, S.: "Gender, the State and the Audit Profession: Evidence from Spain (1942-88)", European Accounting Review vol. 10 (4), 2001, 803-815.
Gutiérrez, I. & Surroca, I.: "Revisiting corporate governance through the lens of the Spanishevidence", Journal of Management & Governance vol. 18 (4), 2014, 989-1014.
Gutiérrez, I., Martínez-Ros, E., De Castro, J.O.: "Performance and entrepreneurial orientation in small firms: The moderating effects of strategy, structure, human resource policies and information systems", Energizing Management Through Innovation and Entrepreneurship: European Research and Practice, 2008, 128-145.
Carrera, N., Carmona, S., Gutiérrez, I.: "Human capital, age and job stability: Evidence from Spanish certified auditors (1976-1988)", Accounting and Business Research vol. 38 (4), 2008, 295-312.
Sánchez, A.G., Gutiérrez, I.G., Juan, L.P.: "Capacity assessment via simulation for a spanish dry port", International Mediterranean Modelling Multiconference, I3M, 2006, 689-695
Urtasun, A., Gutiérrez, I.: "Tourism agglomeration and its impact on social welfare: An empirical approach to the Spanish case", Tourism Management vol. 27 (5), 2006, 901-912.
Carrera, M.N., Gutiérrez, I., Carmona, S.: "Concentration in the Spanish audit market: An empirical analysis (1990-2000) [Article@Concentración en el mercado de auditoría en España: Análisis empírico del período 1990-2000]", Revista Española de Financiacion y Contabilidad vol. 34 (125), 2005, 423-457
Martínez, F.M., Gutiérrez, I.G., Oliveira, A.O., Bedia, M.A.: "Gantry crane operations to transfer containers between trains: A simulation study of a Spanish terminal", Transportation Planning and Technology vol. 27 (4), 2004, 261-284.
Carmona, S., Deyá, B., Gutiérrez, I.: "EVA as a management fashion [Article@El EVA como moda en control de gestión]", Revista Espanola de Financiacion y Contabilidad vol. 32 (118), 2003, 725-753.
Carmona, S., Gutiérrez, I.: "Vogues in management accounting research", Scandinavian Journal of Management vol. 19 (2), 1999, 213-231
Carmona, S., Gutierrez, I., Camara, M.: "A profile of European accounting research: evidence from leading research journals", European Accounting Review vol. 8 (3), 2003, 463-480
Gutiérrez, I., Carmona, S.: "Ambiguity in multicriteria quality decisions", International Journal of Production Economics vol. 38 (2-3), 1995, pp. 215-224
Gutiérrez, I.: "Fuzzy numbers and net present value", Scandinavian Journal of Management vol. 5 (2), 1989, 149-159
Gutierrez, I., Carmona, S.: "A fuzzy set approach to financial ratio analysis", European Journal of Operational Research vol. 36 (1), 1988, 78-84