dirección / oficina:
C/ Madrid, 126 - 28903 Getafe (Madrid) Spain / -



En excedencia de Contabilidad


Doctora en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 1991). Master en Auditoría (Instituto de Censores Jurados de Cuentas de España, 1996). MBA (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 1988).Licenciada en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 1987). Premio extraordinario fin de carrera en 1988.

Intereses de investigación

Contabilidad crítica, Contabilidad de gestión, Control de gestión, Ética, Contabilidad del comportamiento.

Publicaciones seleccionadas

Gago-Rodriguez, S., Guo, Bing, Márquez-Illescas, G. & Nuñez-Nickel, M. "Causal ambiguity: Shape-flip between product market competition at industry level and voluntary disclosure", Accounting and Business Research, 2020, forthcoming.

Gago-Rodriguez, S., Márquez-Illescas, G. & Nuñez-Nickel, M.: "Denial of corruption: voluntary disclosure of bribery information", Journal  of Business Ethicss vol. 162, 2020, 609-626.

Fernánez-Feijoo, B., Ferreira-da-Silva, A, Gago-Rodriguez, S.:  "Accounting information tools in managerial clinical decision-making processes: Evidence from Portuguese public hospitals"International Public Management Journal 2018, forthcoming.

Susana Gago es Profesora Titular de Economía Financiera y Contabilidad (área: contabilidad) en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Es Doctora y Licenciada en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (España). Está acreditada por ANECA como profesora catedrática desde 2011. Su docencia abarca contabilidad financiera y de gestión en primer, segundo y tercer ciclo.

Su interés investigador se centra en la ética, los individuos y los sistemas de información contable. Ha publicado en revistas tales como el Journal of Business Ethics y Critical Perspectives on Accounting.

Gago-Rodriguez, S., Guo, Bing, Márquez-Illescas, G. & Nuñez-Nickel, M. "Causal ambiguity: Shape-flip between product market competition at industry level and voluntary disclosure", Accounting and Business Research, 2020, forthcoming.

Gago-Rodriguez, S., Márquez-Illescas, G. & Nuñez-Nickel, M.: "Denial of corruption: voluntary disclosure of bribery information", Journal  of Business Ethicss vol. 162, 2020, 609-626.

Gago-Rodriguez, S., Fernánez-Feijoo, B. & Ferreira-da-Silva, A.: "Accounting information tools in managerial clinical decision-making processes: Evidence from Portuguese public hospitals"International Public Management Journal 2018, forthcoming.

Gago-Rodriguez, S. & Robalo, R.: "The role of trust in the primary adoption stage of management accounting innovations", Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting,  vol. 46 (1), 2017, 63-91.

Gago-Rodriguez, S. & Nuñez-Nickel, M.: "Autocratic tensions, cronyism, and the opacity of business information: Party newspapers and circulation figures during the Francoist dictatorship (1939-1975)", Business Ethics: A European Review vol. 26 (1), 2017, 80-95.

Gago-Rodriguez, S. & Naranjo, D.: "Effects of trust and distrust on effort and budgetary slack: an experiment", Management Decision vol. 59 (8), 2016., 1908-1928.

Gago-Rodriguez, S. & Purdy, D.: "The effects of budgetary knowledge and extrinsic motivation on the importance that managers attribute to their budgets", Spanish Journal on Finance and Accounting vol. 44 (99), 2015, 47-71.

Gago-Rodriguez, S. & Macías, M.: "A possible explanation of the gender gap among accounting academics: evidence from the choice of research field", Accounting and Finance vol. 54 (4), 2014, 1183-1206.

Gago-Rodriguez, S., Gilabert, M. & Naranjo, D.: "Trust in Supervisors and Dysfunctional Behavior", Journal of Positive Management  vol. 5 (1), 2014, 54-66.

Gago-Rodriguez, S. & Escobar, T.: ""We were the first to support a major is innovation". Research into the motivations of Spanish pioneers in XBRL", Spanish Accounting Review vol. 5(1), 2012, 91-108.

Gago-Rodriguez, S., Nuñez-Nickel, M. & Santamaría, L.: "The role played by interdependences in ERP implementations: an empirical analysis of critical factors that minimize elapsed time", Information and Management vol. 47, 2010, 87-95.

Gago-Rodriguez, S. & Purdy, Derek.: "Studying influence and accounting use-Empirical evidence about individual managers and organizations with changes in Galician healthcare", Critical Perspectives on Accounting vol. 20 (2), 2009, 22-70.

Gago-Rodriguez, S. & Purdy, D.: "Extending influence and accounting use-Developing the Frameworks to incorporate Galician legal matters about the proposed healthcare changes with managers and organizations for empirical study", Critical Perspectives on Accounting vol. 18 (6), September 2007, 707-736.

Gago-Rodriguez, S. & Rodgers, W.: "Biblical Scriptures impact on six ethical models influencing accounting practices", Journal of Business Ethics vol. 64 (2), 2006, 125-136. 

Gago-Rodriguez, S., Barrachina & Ripoll, V.: "Social research evolution in management accounting, reflection using Bunge’s theory, Critical Perspectives on Accounting", Critical Perspectives on Accounting vol. 15 (4-5), 2003, 701-713. 

Gago-Rodriguez, S. & Rodgers, W.: "Stakeholder influence on corporate strategies over time", Journal of Business Ethics vol. 52 (4), 2004, 349-363. 

Gago-Rodriguez, S. & Purdy, D.: "Towards a framework to study influence and the accounting use", Critical Perspectives on Accounting vol. 14 (6), 2003, 663 - 678.

Gago-Rodriguez, S. & Rodgers, W.: "A model capturing ethics and executive compensation", Journal of Business Ethics vol. 48 (2), 2003, 189-202.

Gago-Rodríguez, S.: "Management information for ecologically - oriented decision making. A case study for the introduction of co-generation in eleven Spanish companies", Accounting Forum vol. 26 (2), 2002, 191-218. 

Gago-Rodriguez, S. & Purdy, D.: "Public sector's managers handling accounting data: A UK Framework validated in Spain", Financial, Accountability & Management vol. 18 (3), 2002, 233- 260.

Gago-Rodriguez, S. & Rodgers, W.: "Cultural and ethical effects on managerial decisions: examined In a Throughput Model", Journal of Business Ethics vol. 31 (4), 2001, 355-367.