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Associate Professor of Finance

Selected publications

Van Bommel, J., Hasman, A. & Samartín, M.: "Financial Intermediation in an Overlapping Generations Model with Transaction Costs", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control vol. 45, August 2014, 111-125.

Van Bommel, J., Hasman, A. & Samartín, M.: "Financial Contagion and Depositor Monitoring", Journal of Banking and Finance vol. 37 (8), Agosto 2007, 3076-3084

López, A.L., Hasman, A. & Samartín, M.: "Government, taxes and banking crises", Journal of Banking and Finance vol. 35 (10), Octubre 2011, 2761-2770

Hasman, A. & Samartín, M.: "Information Acquisition and Financial Contagion",  Journal of Banking and Finance vol. 32 (10), Octubre 2008, 2136-2147

Samartín, M. "Should bank runs be prevented?", Journal of Banking and Finance vol. 27 (5), May 2003, 977-1000.

Samartín, M.: "Suspension of convertibility versus deposit insurance: a welfare comparison", Review of Finance (former European Finance Review) vol. 6 (2), 2002, 223-244

Margarita Samartín is an Associate Professor of Finance at the Department of Business Administration at CarlosIII University. She holds an European Doctoral Program in Quantitative Economics from CORE (Belgium), the London School of Economics (Great Britain), DELTA (France) and the University of Bonn (Germany). She holds a Masters degree in Economics from the Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium) and a Licentiate degree in business and economics from the University of Cantabria (Spain). She teaches financial economics and banking theory to undergrads and doctoral students.

Margarita's research interests center on the microeconomic theory of banking. Her research examines the role of banks in the economy, the causes of banking crises and optimal regulatory policies. She has published in journals, such as the Review of Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory, Journal of Financial Stability and Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments.

Margarita is currently director of the Master in Actuarial Sciences and Finance at the Department of Business Administration. She is also vice-director of the Advanced course in the Economy of Telecommunications of the Master in Industrial Economics at Carlos III University.

Hasman, A. & Samartín, M.: "Capital and liquidity in a Dynamic Model of Banking", Economic Modelling vol. 64, August 2017, 172–177

Samartín, M., Cabrera, M. & Dwyer, G.: "Government finances and bank bailouts: Evidence from European Stock markets",  Journal of Empirical Finance vol. 39, December 2016, 169-179

García-Palacios, J.H., Hasman, A. & Samartín, M. "Banking crises and government intervention",  Journal of Financial Stability vol. 15, December 2014, 32-42

Van Bommel, J., Hasman, A. & Samartín, M.: "Financial Intermediation in an Overlapping Generations Model with Transaction Costs", Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control vol. 45, August 2014, 111-125

Van Bommel, J., Hasman, A. & Samartín, M.: "Financial Contagion and Depositor Monitoring", Journal of Banking and Finance vol. 37 (8), August 2007, 3076-3084

López, A.L., Hasman, A. & Samartín, M.: "Government, taxes and banking crises", Journal of Banking and Finance vol. 35 (10), October 2011, 2761-2770

Samartín, M. & Dywer, G. "Why do banks promise to pay par on demand?", Journal of Financial Stability, vol. 5 (2), June 2009, 147-169

Hasman, A. & Samartín, M.: "Information Acquisition and Financial Contagion",  Journal of Banking and Finance vol. 32 (10), October 2008, 2136-2147

Samartín, M, Cardone, C. & Bustamante, R. "Was the Argentine corralito an efficient measure?: a note", International Review of Economics and Finance vol. 16 (3), December 2007, 444-453

Samartín, M. "Comment on: Bank Runs, Welfare and Policy Implications", Journal of Financial Stability, vol. 1 (3), April 2005, 426-432

Samartín, M. "Should bank runs be prevented?", Journal of Banking and Finance vol. 27 (5), May 2003, 977-1000.

Samartín, M., Álvarez, M.J., Cardone, C., Lado, N.: "Financial Service Firms’ Entry-Mode Choice and Cultural Diversity: Spanish Companies in Latin America", International Journal of Bank Marketing vol. 21 (3), June 2003, 109-121.

Samartín, M.: "On the optimality of bank runs: a comment on Allen and Gale", Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory vol.28 (1), June 2003, 33-57.

Samartín, M.: "Suspension of convertibility versus deposit insurance: a welfare comparison", Review of Finance (former European Finance Review) vol. 6 (2), 2002, 223-244.

Samartín, M. "Banks Increase Welfare", Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments vol. 10 (5), April 2002, 203-233