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Associate Professor of Marketing

Selected publications

Cerviño, J., Chetty, S. & Martín Martín, O. : "Imposible is nothing:
Entrepreneurship in Cuba and small firms´ business performance",
Journal of Small Business Management
, March 2024.https://doi.org/10.1080/00472778.2024.2322991

Palomino, W. Timana, J. & Cerviño, J.: “The Firm Value and Marketing Intensity Decision in Conditions of Financial Constraint: A Comparative Study of the United States and Latin America”, Journal of International Marketing, vol. 28 (3),  2020, 21-39.

Cerviño, J., Nuñez-Barripedro, E & Ravina-Rippol, R.: “La marca en el sector de la alimentación en España. Un activo intangible que incrementa la competitividad en las empresas”, Revista de Administración y Organización, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México, vol. 40, 2018.

Cerviño, J. & Baena, V.: “Management experience or brand awareness? Which impacts more on the international of Spanish franchise service chains”, Emprendimiento y Negocios Internacionales vol. 2 (1), 2017, 20-31.

Cerviño, J. & Wasington, M.: “Trademark dilution: comparing the effects of blurring and tarnishment cases over brand equity”, Management & Marketing Journal - Challenges for the Knowledge Society vol. 10 (2), 2017, 90-103.

Cerviño, J., Sánchez-Herrar, J., Serra, A., Anthony and Baena, V.: “Internacionalización de las Cadenas Hoteleras Españolas: Formas de Entrada y Resultados”, Información Comercial Española ICE vol. 894, 2017, 101-216.

Cerviño, J. & Washington, M.: “Trademark Dilution and its practical effect on purchase decision”, Spanish Journal of Marketing, ESIC Elsevier (SJME), vol. 21, 2017, 1-13.

Cerviño, J. & Baena, V.: “Nuevas dimensiones y problemáticas en el ámbito de la creación y gestión de marcas”, Cuadernos de Estudios Empresariales, vol. 24, 2014, 11-50.

Cerviño, J., Mattera, M. & Baena, V.: "Investing time wisely: enhancing brand awareness through stakeholder engagement in the service sector”, International Journal of Management Practice vol. 7 (2), 2014, 126–143.

Cerviño, J. & Baena, V.: International Franchising Decision-Making: A Model for Country Choice” Latin American Business Review vol. 15, 2014, 13-43.

Cerviño, J. & Durán-Herrera, J.J.: “La Marca en la orientación de la Empresa a la Creación de Valor”, Economistas Revista del Ilustre Colegio de Economistas de Madrid vol. 134, 2013, 6-14. 

Julio Cerviño is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Department of Business Administration at Carlos III University. He holds a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University Autonoma of Madrid, an International MBA from Washington University (USA), a MBA from University Autonoma of Madrid, and a Bachelor in Economics from University of Santiago de Compostela. He teaches International Marketing, Strategic Marketing and Brand Management to undergraduate and postgraduate students.

His research interests are focused on international brand management, brand and other intangible assets economic and financial valuation and dilution, internationalization strategies, and marketing and business management in transactional economies and emerging markets. At present, his research examines techniques for economic and financial valuation of brands and other intangible assets, trademark dilution measurements, brand value creation models, and the relationship between brand value, internationalization of firms and country image. Furthermore, a new line of research is focused on marketing strategies in transactional and emerging economies, mainly in retailing and hotel business.

His most recent research has been published in specialized international journals, such as the Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Small Business Management  International Marketing Review, The Service Industries Journal, Papeles de Economía Española, International Journal of Management Practice, Latin America Business Review, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, International Journal of Management, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly and The Journal of Brand Management.

His most recent book, “Marketing Internacional: Nuevas Perspectivas para un Mercado Globalizado”, published by Piramide Publishing in Madrid in 2006, has been reedited in 2008, 2010 and 2012, with a overall reediting in 2014. His book “Brands of Spain” (2003), edited by the Spanish Institute of Foreign Trade, has been translated into Spanish, Japanese and Chinese. Julio Cerviño participates also as an ad hoc reviewer for several Spanish and international academic journals and is a lecturer in different national and international business events. His most recent academic awards have been the “Best Paper in International Marketing Award”, sponsored by the International Marketing Review Journal in the Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business, celebrated in Milan (Italy) in July 2008 and the 12th. Annual Economic Research Prize (2009) awarded by the Spanish Entrepreneurship Society for the book: “Competitiveness and the Foreign Image of Spain: A necessary action plan for the future of the Spanish economy and companies” (in collaboration with Professors Jaime Rivera and Ruben Marcos).

He is currently the Co-director of the Master in International Management (International MBA) at the University Carlos III, codirector of MarketinGroup – an international research group in marketing and competitiveness (www.marketingroup.es), and has been during four years the Director of the University´s Hotel Business School, in charged of the Graduate Studies in Hotel and Restaurant Management.

In addition to his teaching and research activities, he is a consultant and technical expert on brand management, valuation of intangibles assets, and international marketing strategies and program implementation for different public and private institutions. He has been appointed as a permanent advisor to the Spanish Association of Well-known Brands, under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce. He is also an expert advisor on competition, trademark, patents and other intellectual rights issues for different Judicial Courts in Spain and for several international law bureaus. As a consultant and technical expert, he has provided expert analysis and research reports for such well-known brands as Apple, Bacardí, Carrefour, Catenon, Colliers Real State, Cortefiel, Diageo (J&B), ICEX, LexisNexis, Licor 43 (Grupo Zamora), Mediamarkt, Musaat, Mutua Madrileña, Nautica, Nike, Osborne, Sotheby´s, and Zara, among others. Professionally, he has worked for several multinational companies, including McDonnell Douglas Corporation (USA), Caterpillar Inc. (USA) and Maritz Ltd. (UK – subsidiary in Spain Maritz España).

Cerviño, J., Chetty, S. & Martín Martín, O. : "Imposible is nothing:
Entrepreneurship in Cuba and small firms´ business performance",
Journal of Small Business Management, March 2024.https://doi.org/10.1080/00472778.2024.2322991

Palomino, W. Timana, J. & Cerviño, J.: “The Firm Value and Marketing Intensity Decision in Conditions of Financial Constraint: A Comparative Study of the United States and Latin America”, Journal of International Marketing, vol. 28 (3),  2020, 21-39.

Cerviño, J., Nuñez-Barripedro, E & Ravina-Rippol, R.: “La marca en el sector de la alimentación en España. Un activo intangible que incrementa la competitividad en las empresas”, Revista de Administración y Organización, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México, vol. 40, 2018.

Cerviño, J. & Baena, V.: “Management experience or brand awareness? Which impacts more on the international of Spanish franchise service chains”, Emprendimiento y Negocios Internacionales vol. 2 (1), 2017, 20-31.

Cerviño, J. & Wasington, M.: “Trademark dilution: comparing the effects of blurring and tarnishment cases over brand equity”, Management & Marketing Journal - Challenges for the Knowledge Society vol. 10 (2), 2017, 90-103.

Cerviño, J., Sánchez-Herrara, J., Serra, A., Anthony and Baena, V.: “Internacionalización de las Cadenas Hoteleras Españolas: Formas de Entrada y Resultados”, Información Comercial Española ICE vol. 894, 2017, 101-216.

Cerviño, J. & Washington, M.: “Trademark Dilution and its practical effect on purchase decision”, Spanish Journal of Marketing, ESIC Elsevier (SJME), vol. 21, 2017, 1-13.

Cerviño, J. & Baena, V.: “Nuevas dimensiones y problemáticas en el ámbito de la creación y gestión de marcas”, Cuadernos de Estudios Empresariales, vol. 24, 2014, 11-50.

Cerviño, J., Mattera, M. & Baena, V.: "Investing time wisely: enhancing brand awareness through stakeholder engagement in the service sector”, International Journal of Management Practice vol. 7 (2), 2014, 126–143.

Cerviño, J. & Baena, V.: “International Franchising Decision-Making: A Model for Country Choice” Latin American Business Review vol. 15, 2014, 13-43.

Cerviño, J. & Durán-Herrera, J.J.: “La Marca en la orientación de la Empresa a la Creación de Valor”, Economistas Revista del Ilustre Colegio de Economistas de Madrid vol. 134, 2013, 6-14. 

Cerviño, J., Mattera, M. & Baena, V.: “Analyzing Social Responsability as a driver of firm´s brand awareness” Procedia – Social and Behavioral Science, vol. 58, 2012, 1121-1130. 

Cerviño, J. & Baena, V.: “El desplazamiento del Centro y la Globalización de las Marcas: Retos para los gestores de marcas” Harvard Deusto Marketing & Ventas, 2012, 6-13. 

 Cerviño, J. & Durán-Herra, J.J.: “La Marca como activo estratégico de la empresa española: Posición Actual y Perspectivas”, Papeles de Economía Española vol. 132, 2012, 82-96.  

Cerviño, J. & Baena, V.: “International Franchise Expansion of Service Chains: Insights from the Spanish Market", The Service Industries Journal vol. 32 (7), 2012, 1-16. 

Cerviño, J. & Baena, V.: “Gestión Estratégica de la Marca en el mundo del vino”, Spanish Journal of Rural Development vol. 3 (especial 1:1), 2012, 1- 18.  

Cerviño, J. & Nuñez-Barriopedro, E.: “Valoración del renombre de las marcas deportivas: Un análisis empírico para las marcas españolas de Club de Fútbol”, Revista Internacional de Derecho y Gestión del Deporte (2011 - International Journal of Sports Law & Management vol. 16 (octubre-diciembre), 2011, 3-21. 

Cerviño, J. & Martín, O.: “Towards an integrative framework of brand country of origin recognition determinants: A cross-classified hierarchical model”, International Marketing Review vol. 28 (6), 2011. 

Cerviño, J. & Baena, V.: “Identıfyıng The Factors Drıvıng Market Selectıon In Latın Amerıca”, Journal of Global Strategic Management vol. 9, 2011, 5-13. 

Cerviño, J. & Baena, V.: “La Globalización de las Marcas y la Competitividad: Tendencias y retos para las marcas españolas”, Economía Industrial vol. 279, 2011, 93-106. 

Cerviño, J. & Baena, V.: “Selección de Mercados en la expansión internacional de la franquicia española”, Información Comercial Española, vol. 857, 2010, 183-200.

Cerviño, J. & Baena, V.: “El Efecto de la Experiencia, Tipo de Actividad y Renombre de Marcas sobre la Expansión y Grado de Intensidad Internacional de la Franquicia Española"Revista Española de Investigación en Marketing (REIM) vol. 14 (2), 2010, 67-89. 

Cerviño, J. & Baena, V.: "La internalización de la franquicia española y sus formas de penetración de mercados", Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de Empresas – CEDE vol. 40 (septiembre), 2009, 1-6. 

Cerviño, J., Rivera, J. & Molero, V.: "¿Quién interesa que invierta en España?: La inversión extranjera directa de Latinoamérica en España. Tendencias recientes y perspectivas", Revista de Globalización, Competitividad y Gobernabilidad vol. 3 (2), 2009, 108-125. 

Cerviño, J.: "La Globalización de las marcas españolas: estrategia internacional e imagen de marca del Santander”, Universia Business Review vol. 17, 2008, 60-73. 

Cerviño, J. & Rivera, J.: "La Globalización de las marcas españolas: liderazgo y notoriedad internacional", Información Comercial Española, ICE: Revista de Economía vol. 839, 2007, 121-139.

Cerviño, J., Cubillo, J.M. & Sánchez-Herrera, J.: "International Students' Decision-Making Process", International Journal of Educational Management vol. 20 (2), 2006, 101-115.

Cerviño, J., Cubillo, J.M. & Cruz-Roche, I.: “Brand Alliances: A Conceptual Model of Strategic Analysis”, Journal of Brand Management, Icfai Press, vol. 2 (2), 2005.

Cerviño, J. & Cubillo, J.M.: “Hotel and Tourism Development in Cuba: Opportunities, Management Challenges and Future Trends”, Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, vol. 26, 2005, 1-24. 

Cerviño, J. & Bonache, J.: “Cuban Retailing: From a Centrally planned to a Mixed Dual System”, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, vol. 33 (1), 2005, 79-94. 

Cerviño, J. & Cubillo, J.M.: “International Entrepreneurship in Local SMEs Suppliers Networks”, The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation vol. 5 (4), 2004, 231-239.