Marketing and Business Analytics, Statistics and Econometric Theory, Management Science, Quantitative Economics.
Listed by BookAuthority as one of best marketing research books of all times
Jose M. Vidal-Sanz is full Professor of Marketing and Markets Research, specialized in analytic modelling and quantitative research methods. He is an interdisciplinary researcher, who started his career working on statistics' methodology and econometric theory, later consiering topics in computational economics, management science, and numerical methods. His research in marketing has dealt with problems such as marketing mix optimization, marketing dynamic planning and CRM, optimal experimental design for conjoint analyisis, or predicting consumer behavior using machine learning. He is one of the coauthors of the marketing simulation business game QUANTUM. Jose has been vicedean of business degree at University Carlos III. He has been also visiting professor at Universidad de Alicante (Spain), visiting professor at the Columbia University in the city of New York, and he is a life-member of the Clare Hall College in the University of Cambridge.
Curiosities: Erdös number = 5; Mathematical Genalogy (here); zbMath (here); Mathematical Reviews (here)