Luis Gómez Mejía receives the Honoris Causa Doctorate from Jönköping University

November 19, 2021
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Luis Gómez Mejía receives the Honoris Causa Doctorate from Jönköping University

Honorary Doctor is a title awarded to those who have significantly contributed to the development of research and education. Professor Gómez-Mejia has published over 200 articles appearing in the most prestigious management journals including, among others, the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management, Journal of International Business Studies, Industrial Relations, and Personnel Psychology.

He is one of the most highly cited scholars in management, with more than 43,000 citations to his work in Google Scholar and one of the 12 most published authors in the “big eight” management journals. Moreover, he has also written and edited more than 15 management books.

He has received numerous awards including “best article” in the Academy of Management Journal, “most impactful” paper in Administrative Science Quarterly, “best five-year paper” from the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management. Professor Gomez-Mejia is also a “Member of the Hall of Fame of Academy of Management” (awarded to 33 professors out of approximately 20,000 academy members).

Besides contributing substantially to the fields of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Professor Gómez-Mejia has highly and specifically contributed to the field of Family Business. Thanks to numerous publications in the top tiers Journal, his research work has helped the discipline becoming a legitimate field of research.



Professor of Management
