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Overview of the data

BoardEx provides access to educational background, prior employment, and connections of directors and executives. Also, it allows analyzing the proportion of politically connected directors, using CEO-level controls such as age, gender, and experience. In addition, it lets to extract executive stock option holdings. Records are divided among BoardEx data into North America, UK, Europe, and Rest of World.

BoardEx data consists of compensation, employment, and relationship data for 20,000+ companies from 1999-present. Overall, BoardEx contains more than 2 million profiles of public, private, and non-for-profit organizations and more than 1.5 million people. Approximately 33% of individuals are currently serving on boards of companies, and 38% are either board members or C-Suite. All BoardEx data is collected from credible, published sources, and cannot be edited by users. Our data is powered by a team of 350+ skilled analysts who research, verify, and maintain millions of profiles.

Data details include current and historic roles (with start and end dates) for board positions, employment, and education. On average they make 27,000 profile updates and add 2,500 new profiles, each week.

How to access this database

Integrated in WRDS. See WRDS (link) for more information.

How to use this database

See Data Dictionary and Data Overview on WRDS (link). Additional information on the BoardEx website (link)